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Spirit Works 4 U  is the creation of Kay Kemp, visionary artist and labyrinth facilitator. With a mission of making heart-centered art that inspires positive change, Kay celebrates the power of the feminine spirit and seeks to amplify a message of love and respect throughout the world. 


  • On a spiritual path and yearning for the soul’s expression of passion and purpose

  • An activist, an advocate, and a believer of feminine empowerment

  • An appreciator of nature or an ecologist

  • A coach and catalysts for manifestation

  • A healer, a shaman, or other nurturer of physical
    and spiritual wellbeing

  • A hugger of animals, trees, and humans

  • A labyrinth pilgrim or a wanderer in the desert

  • A leader, a speaker, and a facilitator of possibility

  • A visionary and creator for transformation

  • Or a lover of peace, wisdom, and beauty


Kay Kemp

The art and treasures of Spirit Works 4 U will inspire you, your clients, and your family and friends.​ Help spread the message and surround yourself with reminders of the peace, wisdom, and beauty we all seek.

To view more of Kay's art visit or call 713.806.3322

With all of my art I seek to inspire a thought, a word,
a deed, or a prayer towards healing the planet and
our sacred relationship to it. 
  Kay Kemp

It isn’t an unusual story, but one many of us share. It is a life unfolding with purpose and passion, along a circuitous path of seemingly unrelated steps that finally reveal our own soul’s longing. Back in the 60s Kay Kemp set out to become an art teacher but the road ahead led down a variety of different paths but all necessary to shape her art and offerings. It is only the last 2+ decades that are shared below.


In August 1997, Kay discovered the labyrinth as a powerful and significant spiritual tool after attending a week-long gathering led by Dr. Lauren Artress, Veriditas founder and author of Walking a Sacred Path and The Sacred Path Companion. Dr. Artress’ vision for the labyrinth as a sacred path of prayer and walking meditation was a pivotal juncture for Kay. 


Profoundly motivated by this meaningful experience, Kay was led down new roads of personal development and spiritual discovery.  She sought additional training as a Certified Personal Effectiveness Coach, a Veriditas-trained labyrinth facilitator and embarked on an intensive exploration of the creative process through a variety of disciplines. A new trajectory evolved as Kay fostered a deep conviction that creative expression and spirituality illuminate one’s own purposeful life.


Combining her coaching skills, creativity, spiritual conviction, and business acumen, Kay founded Wild Heart Art, where her mission of inspiring others to liberate their own creative spirit and discover the joy and healing of creativity flourished. Her art and innovative programs further ignited Kay’s vision. Spirit Works 4 U is the result of that sacred alchemical brew. Throughout the Spirit Works 4 U site, the art and products are inspirited by Kay’s dedication to our sacred relationship with one another and our planet.


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